1. Thanatos means death and opsis means the sight of death. This goes with the poem well because the poem mentions a lot of death.
2. A shroud is the cloth that a corpse is laid in during a burial. A narrow house is the grave. A pall is a cloth that you spread over the coffin. A sepulcher is a tomb or grave. These words go with the poem well because they are all about death.
3. I think that this poem about death. Throughout the whole poem the main theme is death. It talks about all the things that relate to death, all the materials that you need at a funeral.
4. The poem begins by talking a lot about death as it mentions all things about deaths and what occurs but it then shifts to a poem about life in my opinion. It mixes the two in the poem. The poem could be taken in context as a poem about death or about life. The poem shifted around line 25 as it brings a more spirited vibe. It begins vague but then goes deep into nature.
5. Elegy is a poem that reflects on death. An elegy must shift from one emotion to comforting
6. If i were viewing this poem as a painting it would look like half a page that is dark and gloomy while the other side is filled with beautiful bright images.
7. It is a historical piece because it describes how people viewed life and death with nature back in that time. It is a romantic poem because the author had lots of feeling and it was not like most traditional poems. It shows signs of calvinism by describing ultimate destruction